THE FUTURE OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION CURRENT COMMUNICATION BEHAVIORS For Gen Z, email’s primary use today is exchanging personal emails and receiving emails from companies, although this could shift as they enter the work force in the near future. 93% 68% Text message 97% Personal emails between me and 92% individual people I know (outside of 78% work) 87% 92% Phone calls 95% 94% Emails from companies sending me 68% 85% advertisements, coupons, receipts 69% Email 89% from purchases or password resets 68% 92% 88% 36% Social media 87% Professional emails between me and 77% people I work with 64% 55% 66% Social communication apps 75% 64% Professional emails between me and 24% 56% companies connected to my 44% Video chat 59% occupation 38% 38% CURRENT COMMUNICATION USE CURRENT EMAIL COMMUNICATION USE S7 / On the list below, please select which of these you’ve used in the past S8 / You mentioned that you currently use email to communicate with other month. people. Which of the following best describes the types of emails you send and receive? Gen Z Millennial Gen X (ages 13-21) (ages 22-34) (ages 35-50) / 18 +

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