Welcome Email

Email Marketing 101 The Welcome Email

If you don’t send a welcome email... WelcomeAboard

…it’s kind of like starting a conversation with a stranger, without ever saying hello! WelcomeAboard

what is a welcome email? WelcomeAboard

A welcome email is an opportunity to… Invite Share tips/ Introduce users to guidance your engage on using brand with you your further product WelcomeAboard

A welcome email is not... WelcomeAboard

…a confirmation email. Though they are easily confused, a confirmation email is meant to confirm subscription to a list and ensure you’re sending to recipients who have opted in. Your confirmation email should include one simple call to action (CTA). WelcomeAboard

WHY SHOULD I SEND a welcome email? WelcomeAboard

A welcome email is your chance to convince customers they are in the right place! WelcomeAboard

Aristotle was a big fan of welcome emails—they follow his three modes of persuasion. Your best bet is to appeal to your customer’s logos, pathos, and ethos... WelcomeAboard

Logos (logic/reasoning) Pathos (credibility/trust) Ethos (emotion) WelcomeAboard

Logos (logic/reasoning) Ease any onboarding concerns or friction WHY? and encourage users to continue using your product/service.. WelcomeAboard

Logos (logic/reasoning) HOW? Link to a FAQ or an onboarding video. WelcomeAboard

Pathos (credibility/trust) Introduce your product/service, reinforce your brand, WHY? establish credibility, and let your subscribers know their inbox is safe with you. WelcomeAboard

Pathos (credibility/trust) Include a customer HOW? quote, well-known customer logos, and use strong branding. WelcomeAboard

ETHOS (emotion) Thank them for signing up and WHY? remind them they are valued, leave them with a warm, fuzzy feeling. WelcomeAboard

ETHOS (emotion) Show gratitude (and personality!) and HOW? invite your subscribers to engage with your community by linking to your social media channels. WelcomeAboard

Series tip You could also provide additional messaging that… •  Highlights key features of your offering •  Provides suggested resources •  Encourages users to upgrade •  Reminds them to set up email preferences Why You Need a Preference Center WelcomeAboard

WHEN SHOULD I SEND a welcome email? WelcomeAboard

You should send immediately after sign- up, and then if it’s a series, over the next few days and weeks. WelcomeAboard

Series TIP: Most businesses can look at their data to determine when users begin to churn or remain inactive. Plan your series accordingly! WelcomeAboard

Examples WelcomeAboard

Email Example WelcomeAboard

Series Example Email #1 Email #2 Email #3 Thank them Share an Invite users to for signing up onboarding follow you on and welcome video and an your social them to the FAQ link channels community WelcomeAboard

For more welcome email inspiration, check out our blog post: Email Marketing We’re Geeking Out About WelcomeAboard

Happy Sending! Learn More About Sending Your Marketing Email With SendGrid